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Sunday, February 10, 2008

More Golf News

Golf Article Of The Month
Bunkers And Sand Traps - How To Play Them

By Lee MacRae

Following are some tips to help improve the sand trap play in your golf game. Practice these and see which ones work for you to be carried over to the course during actual play:

Hitting from a buried lie in the bunker [otherwise known as a "fried egg"] isn't as difficult as most golfers think. In fact, a shot that gets the ball out is closer to a normal golf shot than a conventional bunker shot is. That's because you play the shot with your clubface closed. Remember that the flange of a sand wedge is designed to prevent you from digging into the sand. But with a buried lie, digging in is exactly what you want to do. Close the face of your wedge, hit down into the sand and inch or two behind your ball. This is one of the few sand shots in which a follow-through isn't just important, it shouldn't exist at all! Some golfers have even been known to let the club go at impact. Note; this shot can also be played with a pitching wedge, which is almost guaranteed to dig in.

Many golfers are afraid they will take to much sand and not get the ball out of the bunker. You know you have to hit the sand about two inches behind your ball. So, look for anything as a target - a crease in the sand, a small lump, a dark grain of sand, a small pebble - anything to aim for. Concentrate on THAT spot. Forget all about the ball. Just concentrate on hitting your spot in the sand with the right amount of club and swing. The sand will pop the ball out of the bunker.

Excessive wrist action can wreck a golf shot. It usually leads to topping or blading, which in a greenside bunker can be especially ruinous. There is usually not much golf course around greens, and a ball blade is out of a bunker could end up in a water hazard, out of bounds, or in some other unplayable lie. It is a good idea, therefore to hit all sand shots with stiff wrists, even those that require you to cock your wrists early on the backswing. Remember; no wrists, no risk.

And no matter what the circumstances are, don't allow tension to ruin your techinque. Tension will ruin even the best of golf swings. Keep your body and your mind loose and positive. Always imagine yourself handling the shot with success. What the mind sees, the body will do. You golf game will improve immensly when you add these tips.

About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great golf training aid or a great hybrid club today!

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The other nice thing is that senior golf is becoming hugely popular partially due to the Champions Tour. All the great players form the past and today that are competing on a regular basis for some big dollars on T.V. If you haven't seen them tube or live in your area you should watch. These guys play some great golf along with being some of the best characters personality wise you'll find anywhere. It's very entertaining to watch.
For additional information go to golf equipment.

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Who wants to hear that word of golf reality - senior golf equipment? Most of us don't want to face the fact that we are or will be eventually getting older. As life takes us through the path of wonder, we as golfers will all have to move into what is sometimes known as the golden years. That's life, don't fight it enjoy it with the proper golf equipment designed for seniors.
For more information go to golf training aid.

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To make it easier to transport your golf clubs, both on and off the course you require something to carry them in. This is where the golf bag is used. The golf bag is used more than just for carrying your clubs however, it is also a piece of equipment which you use to protect your golf clubs. There are numerous varieties of golf bag available and the choice bag is down to both personal preference and requirements. For example if you will not be using a golf cart then a stand bag will probably be your requirement, however if you will be using a golf cart then it may be more beneficial to use a cart bag. The golf bag will protect your golf clubs from banging into each other and also protect the shafts against wear. The golf bag is of course able to carry other things other than your clubs, there are numerous pockets on the bag where you can put your golf balls, tees, drinks, waterproofs etc.

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