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Monday, February 18, 2008

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You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Wondering which golf clubs you should buy?

By: Lee MacRae

With a larger variety of golf clubs coming onto the scene every week, it can become more and more difficult to determine just exactly what you should be looking for when buying new clubs.

We will go through a few basic tips to help you determine which golf clubs are right for you.

First of all, it can be stated that standard golf clubs will work for just about anyone standing between 5 to six feet in height. The principle applies to both sexes. Taller or shorter? Then custom clubs may now come in to the picture.

Cast Iron or Forged Iron Golf Club?

For just about all golfers, the standard cast iron golf clubs are the right choice.

And there is a reason for that. Because of the larger "sweet spot" you tend to find on the cast iron clubs. This is the are in the center of the club face where "forces" are said to be perfectly balanced to deliver the perfect shot. A larger sweet spot gives you a larger striking area and greater odds for a well-hit shot. You can still be a little "off center" and the ball is still struck well because you have a larger margin of error. You can see why beginners are usually told to stay with cast iron clubs Without a steady consistant swing, a larger striking area will produce better shots overall. That is why you see a lot of oversized club heads on the market today. They allow average duffers the opportunity of striking the ball well and getting great drives more often.

Conversely, forged iron golf clubs have a much smaller sweet spot and it is far more difficult to hit a ball well with this kind of club.

Which begs the question. Why make forged iron clubs?

Because the "softer" forged metal gives the golfer a better feel than the harder cast iron does. The more experienced golfers can use this feel to great advantage, shaping their shots, even curving them intentionally when the circumstances require it. So, in effect, they trade off the larger sweet spot for the shot shaping feel of a forged iron club.

The shaft of the club is the next item to look at. What will it be made of? A composite or steel?

The important touchstone here is golf club speed. An ordinary golf player will have a club velocity of 80-94 mph. Slower speeds normally means looking at a shaft made from composite material. With a slower swing speed comes less distance on your drives. Less distance means more shots needed to reach the putting green. Not a good thing if you want to lower your score. Composite shafts will allow you to get that much needed distance on your shots. And even within the composite shaft class, you will find variations in flex and materials that will affect your game.

For golfers with faster swing speeds, you don't necessarily need more distance. What you really want is more control. A steel tube shaft will give you that control to go along with your acceptable distance.

In order to determine your personal swing speed, look for a sports shop or golf store that has speed sensor equipment and get yourself clocked.

With just a few small tips like this, you should be able to determine which clubs will work for you and why. Knowing why is just a important because you will be able to adjust your equipment as you improve on your game over time. If you find your swing speed improving, you may find you will be able to switch to clubs that will give you the feel and shot selection of the better players.

If you implement these tips and work on them, you will be certain to develop a better drive within a short period of time. Just keep on practicing and working on your improvement. It's only a matter of time before your scores begin to drop.

Improve your golf game with a great golf training aid today!

Additional Info On Golf Today

golf swing trainer

Combating the stresses and strains, Golf in the main is not too physically demanding on the body, but it does require the concentration levels to be high. This provides a great outlet from the everyday challenges we are faced with and can often be very therapeutic, with surrounding scenery and the fresh air helping to relieve tension.
For more information go to golf swing trainers.

golf putting aid

Equipment, Golfing equipment has moved on a tremendous amount since the games inception, as has the accessories that are now available. Perhaps the most important of these accessories to your enjoyment of the game, both in term of game improvement and the overall benefits to your health is the golf trolley. An electric golf trolley also contributes to your performance by helping you to maintain muscle control, balance and body symmetry throughout the entire game. Pushing or pulling a heavy trolley strains your muscles and people who pull their carts have the maximum chance of getting a back sprain. The ultimate result is that you fail to make the best strokes that might have got you a birdie. An electric Golf trolley, as the name suggests, is a battery operated automatic cart that could be either manual or remote control. It provides easy transportation of clubs from tee to green and allows a normal upright posture while walking. This reduces the risk of strains and injuries. This also provides added comfort and helps the golfer to concentrate on his swing.
For more information go to golf.

beginners golf training aids

There are many different kinds of golf shirts available to buy and it can become overwhelming trying to choose the right one for you. This article will discuss everything there is to know about golf shirts, including some of the best places to buy them and other golfing apparel from.
To find out just go to golf .

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Even if you are a pro or a novice first hitting the greens, there are many different aspects to consider when it comes to purchasing products for your golfing experience. Sometimes, even the most advanced golfer has to keep abreast on how to wisely choose their golf products. You always want to pick out the most effective items for the amount of money you wish to pay. There are numerous pitfalls that a consumer must sift through when purchasing products. The market is filled with misleading advertisements, poor marketing ploys, as well as get rich quick schemes, if a product sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
To learn more go to golf training aids.

golf putter
golf putter


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At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dandy blog�I love golf too


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